Growing Up

Little Miss Fiona became a 7 year-old on Sunday...


She woke up to find her favorite thing next to her birthday sign...

After a birthday breakfast and opening gifts we were off to Luna Park for her birthday experience.
(Pictures to come)

Our Little Clay is growing up too. 
If you can believe it,
 he's now 2 months old.

Clayton's busting out of the clothes he wore just a few weeks ago... it's wild.
He's smiling and grabbing these days.
 (my hair seems to be his favorite thing to pull)

He weighs in at 4,660g  (10 pounds 4 ounces)
{5th percenile}
length 52.1cm (20 inches)
{less than the 5th percentile}
Head circumference 38.5cm (15 inches)
{just below the 50th percentile}

He's still catching up but doing it with a quickness!
Clayton Ryan is an incredibly healthy strong baby... Hooray!

It's all happening so quickly, 
my babies are growing up.
